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Angel Yoga
Angel Yoga is a divinely guided yoga session, that brings you into better alignment. Jen guides you through a unique, healing experience as she channels your angels' messages and guidance into specific body movements and yoga positions.
As you move through the different motions, Jen stays open to whatever messages and healing the angels want to offer, as she holds a safe, loving space for you to truly connect to your body.
What will an angel yoga session look like?
Together we move into body, mind, and spirit with the help and healing guidance of our angels. In each pose you will receive guided imagery and healing, as I channel the love and messages from the Angels.
How does healing happen in an Angel Yoga session?
The Angels will be detoxing your energy as well as your mind so that the body can move deeper into each pose. This creates space in your being, allowing for more of your own Spirit to bathe you in your own Divinity.
Do I need to have yoga experience to work with you?
No yoga experience is needed. We move at the perfect level for your body to allow for relaxation and space for breath in every pose.
What do I need to bring to an Angel Yoga session?
Bring a rolled up towel and well as pillow, belt or strap unless you already have boosters. If you want, having a notebook and pen nearby can also be helpful when new insights arise.
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